Teaching – Consulting – Performing

I provide a wide variety of teaching, consulting and performance services, either one-on-one or in groups. My clients are music teachers, universities, student musicians, businesses, corporations, and presenters.


  • Lessons / Coaching: I am available to teach a limited number of students. My preference is teaching dedicated students who have reached the intermediate level. Currently, I provide all lessons virtually.
  • Master Classes: I am available for master classes.
  • Talks: I give talks and lecture demonstrations on a wide variety of topics including: entrepreneurship, wellness, injury prevention, slow-motion video analysis, using music performance to teach universal skills, using your music background to consult non-music professionals, and reimagining the concert. Additionally, I offer more traditional music topics including: touch and tone production, performance practice, memorizing tactics, managing stage fright, cultivating focus, or developing your individual voice. 
  • Workshops for Music Teachers: I give half and full day workshops to music teachers on my Transposed Musician method. I start sessions with a teaching demonstration of my own (to show my ideas and concepts at work in a lesson format). Then, under my supervision, each attendee applies what they have learned with one of their own students (whom they have brought to the workshop).


  • One-on-one consultations with me on a wide variety of music and performance-related topics.
  • Consultations for businesses / organizations: What’s Music Got To Do With It? uses live keyboard performance to teach shared concepts and skills to people in businesses. My client list includes: State Farm, Lucent Technologies, French Telecom, Bank One, Eli Lilly, Colgate University, Indiana University International School of Business, Carolinas Medical, Triple-A Auto Club, VF Corp., and many more.



Other services are available: workshops or in-depth sessions on practice efficiency, memorizing, and technique. Please contact me and let me know how I can help you or your group. I welcome your inquiry and look forward to our conversation.